Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas everyone! What a marvelous day. What was Christmas like when George Washington was alive? It was much simpler. They might have some friends over, have a nice dinner, and feast on Martha's famous Great Cake. It was more of a simple religious holiday. What lessons can we learn from the Washingtons today? First, keep first things first. Yes, today is about family, but more than anything else, it is about Jesus. Today is celebrating the birth of Jesus. Today celebrates when God became Man. Today, We celebrate the birth of Jesus, a baby born to die. A baby born to become a sacrifice for our sins, so that we might become Children of the Living God. So, as I reflect on this amazing truth, this day is much more than what we have made it. Temporal gifts will leave us empty. The eternal gift of Jesus Christ will fulfill our souls day by day. Merry Christmas!